Lizards crew sending out a message of love and respect in these confusing times ..stay safe and stay tuned for updates as the world evolves through this immediate crisis we will continue to plot and scheme for the revolution ahead and desert adventures to prevail. Dates will be reassessed and informed decisions will be made […]
Beneath the Roxby Downs Uranium mine, there is an old Sleepy Lizard. BHP's Olympic Dam mine is digging right into its guts to extract the worlds most poisonous ore. That Lizard ain’t so sleepy no more.
Lizard Movie Night
Join us for a Lizard Movie Night featuring videos from the previous Lizard Protestivals, Flash mob dance session, screening of the underground cult classic ‘Too Deadly’ and info about our upcoming desert adventures!Gold coin donation or Pay as u feel.. snacks available.. or join us o FB for a watch party Thursday, April 23, 2020 […]
POISON Lizard Flash Mob
Instructional dance video! Learn the moves get your costume and come bust a move in the desert!
Lizard Trailer 2020
The Lizards Return 2020
Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old sleepy lizard named Kulta. BHP is mining right into that Lizard and it aint so sleepy anymore! “The old spring by Marree has dried up. In town they started buying and trucking in water for the people to drink, while down the road at Roxby they are […]
Here it is! THE LIZARD HAND BOOK! Your survival guide to the Lizard Bites Back, packed full of loads of info about the issues. Please download print and share … there will be some printed copies available at the camp but its good to have a read get informed and be prepared!
Why are we here?
Lizards Bites Back is a non-violent protest festival, opposing any further expansion of the nuclear industry in South Australia and showcasing renewable alternatives. We stand in solidarity with Aboriginal custodians in opposing the expansion of the nuclear industry in South Australia. The nuclear industry has and continues to disproportionately affect Aboriginal people in Australia. Traditional […]
S.A Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
The South Australian Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle was announced in February 2015. It is tasked with examining the feasibility of the expansion of the nuclear industry in South Australia in the areas of: 1. The expansion of uranium exploration, mining and milling 2. The further processing of uranium 3. Electricity generation […]
The Olympic Dam expansion – update
Since the expansion was shelved in 2012, BHP Billiton has announced its intention to investigate heap leach mining as an alternative, cheaper method of processing mined ore. In July 2014 the company projected that pending government approvals, construction of a heap leach demonstration plant would begin in the second half of 2015, with a 36 […]
Heap Leach Mining of Uranium and associated risks
A Summary:Heap Leach Mining of Uranium and associated risks (in layman’s terms). Not unlike in-situ leach mining, heap leach mining is a process whereby Uranium, Copper and other precious metals are extracted from ore with a chemical solution. Ore is mined, crushed and dumped onto a “leaching pad” made from impermeable membrane with a minimum […]
Uncle Kevin Buzzacott
Often referred to as Uncle Kev as an Aboriginal elder, is an Indigenous Australian from the Arabunna nation in northern South Australia. He has campaigned widely for cultural recognition, justice and land rights for Aboriginal people. He has initiated and led numerous campaigns against uranium mining at the BHP Billiton owned Olympic Dam mine in […]
Nuclear Weapons
The 19,000 tonnes of uranium that Olympic Dam produces per year is sufficient to fuel 95 power reactors which will produce 28.5 tonnes of high-level nuclear waste per year (in the form of spent nuclear fuel). That amount of spent fuel contains 28.5 tonnes of plutonium
Water Theft
The new mine will require an additional 200 million litres of water per day. Water intake from the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) will increase from 35 million litres per day to around 42 million litres per day, with the remainder to come from a proposed coastal desalination plant at Point Lowly. That’s over 100,000 litres […]
Radioactive Waste
Under the mine expansion plan, the production of radioactive tailings, stored above ground, will increase from the current 10 million tonnes per year, to 68 million tonnes per year. The tailings contain a toxic acidic soup of radionuclides and heavy metals. It is estimated that by the mines closure, these tailings will total nearly nine […]
The Roxby Downs Indenture Act
The existing mine operates under the Roxby Downs Indenture Act (1982), which provides for wide-ranging exemptions from several South Australian laws, including the Aboriginal Heritage Act, the Freedom of Information Act, and the Natural Resources Management Act, which encompasses water management. It is essentially a contract between BHP and the SA Government, which over-rides key […]